Switch Careers Like a PRO

Do you find yourself in a job that’s draining you more than it’s filling you? 
Are you stuck in a mundane routine that lacks growth or fulfillment? 
Do you dream of something more, but don’t know where to begin?


We’ve all been there at some point in our career. A recent study conducted by Gallup revealed that nearly 85% of the world’s one billion full-time employees are unhappy in their current jobs. The main takeaway: career transitions are tricky, but you’re certainly not alone. 

Before you leap into gear to join that coveted 15% of global workers who love their jobs, there are a few aspects of the career transition process worth considering. Prior to embarking on any great journey, you must first establish a destination. A career transition without a clear goal can ultimately leave you more frustrated and discouraged than you were when you started. 

Identify your Strengths, Talents & Passions

Taking inventory of your unique strengths, talents, and passions is critical when comparing your competencies with those required for a new role. If you are at a loss for where to start, there are dozens of reputable self-evaluation tools that can serve as a guide. Thorough research of target opportunities and honest gap analysis of your background will better inform your career transition. 

You may also find that additional education, training, or certification is necessary to achieve your next great opportunity. If this is the case, be sure to evaluate the position and industry requirements regarding ongoing education to ensure your time and financial investments are well worth it.

Leverage your Transferable Skills

While identifying transferable skills should be an essential part of any professional branding strategy, this becomes even more important when exploring a new career path. Evaluating the compatibility between your own background and target opportunities will serve as a roadmap for your professional branding, communication, networking, and interviewing strategy. 


Clearly articulating your core transferable skills throughout your application documents and the interview process will exponentially increase engagement with prospective employers.

Set Realistic & Trackable Goals

If you are considering a career transition, don’t give the process more power than it deserves. Simplify where possible, be patient, set realistic goals, and commit to tracking your progress along the way. Leverage your personal and professional community to keep you accountable. If you veer off course, redirect and reset your strategy. 

Once you’ve identified the “what” and “why” behind your target opportunity, set measurable and attainable goals that will propel you towards your dream career.

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Claire Webber
Content Strategist / Brand Development & Social Media Manager

As one of the dedicated members of Clarity Career Solutions, utilizes an advanced skillset in content development and recruiting strategy to support clients as they navigate the crossroads of purpose, passion, and profession.

Considering a career transition? Our team of experts would be happy to be a resource for you! Learn more about the Clarity Career Solutions team here. We’d love to learn more about you and your career goals!